Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Indonesia Traditional “Kebaya”

           In many parts of Indonesia, the kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has been strongly supported as symbol of identity for Indonesian women by prominent figures throught the nation’s history.
          Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized internationally Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and Garuda Indonesia.

If we try to find the definition about “what is kebaya?” it will be a lot of different opinions based with the way we see kebaya. But, in this definition we will see kebaya in a common definition and if it’s about common definition about kebaya, it’s suppose to close with the material,design and etc. Kebaya is a traditional costume which becomes national costume in Indonesia, those are consist of blouse as upper part, made of cotton, silk, adorned with brocade of floral patter kebaya usually combine with sarong, songket, or batik. Kebaya is an outfit that is especially for women that usually use for formal occcasions, wedding party, graduation party, or traditional ceremonies. Kebaya has it own beauty and make every women who wear kebaya turned into a women who is graceful and has personality. Kebaya can ‘show’ off the inner beauty and the feminism side in every women who wear it. Kebaya is a symbolizes the woman’s emancipation inn Indonesia that can remind us about the pioner, Raden Ajeng Kartini. 

Those are some informations about Kebaya in common. And now, we are discuss about some people opinions that is related to Kebaya. Yeah, we know that the young generation of Indonesia more prefer modern dresses when they come to formal party like wedding party. I think It’s happen because they follow foreign trends which are the negative effects of globalization and it’s make kebaya reputed as old fashion for them.  

We agree with that opinion, in reality it’s totally true many young generation don’t want to use it, because they think if they use kebaya, they’ll look like Old and unfashionable. Whereas we know that kebaya is not just a costume, But, kebaya is also a symbol of indonesia cultural history which represent national symbolism.  It’s not entirely true that kebaya is old fashion, becuase  along with time, now kebaya have many awesome and fashionable design that make it not old fashioned anymore. Many designers have modified kebaya with some modern materials and design without leaving the characteristic of kebaya. So kebaya will look stylish and more modern.

Even though, kebaya is one of Indonesia symbols and identities. We Shouldn’t forget one of our symbols and identities. So, i think if we don’t want kebaya become disappear. As a young generations and a part of Indonesian people we must appreciated Kebaya by using it just for some formal occasions. It isn’t mean that young women generations must forced to use kebaya in all formal party, But wear it as you can. Don’t ever be shy to wear Kebaya. Because Actually every women who wear kebaya will look so glamour, elegant, charismatic and more beautiful. Every women should feel proud to wear kebaya. I believe that we can make kebaya became famous, if all people suppports kebaya. Never let the other country stole it. Are you happy if at the end kebaya will be recognized by other countries ? not right ? If we let the kebaya is missing, it's same as not respecting the cultural heritage that has been handeddown in the preserve.



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